Archive for March 2020
Wild Animal Entry Point Into Your Home – Attic.
Do you have wild animals / critters entering your home and into your attic? The above picture was taken today, from one of our Wildlife Control Experts. When we come out to complete our inspection, we look for entry points all along your roof line, to determine where the critters are getting in. Sometimes, they’re…
Read MoreFlying Squirrel Damage in the Attic…
Do you have damage in the attic from rodents? Flying Squirrel damage can do a considerable amount of damage to the inside of your attic. Above, is a picture taken today by one of our Trappers. The customer had Flying Squirrels and roof Rats. Both flying squirrels and roof rats love gnawing on everything. This…
Read MoreHow are Squirrels getting into my attic?
How are squirrels getting in my attic? One way that squirrels and other wild animals can enter your home, is through a construction gap in between your roof line and facia boards. Our team, seals it down with galvanized steel. If your home has flashing, we make certain the flashing is securely screwed down.If your…
Read MoreAnimal Noises In The Attic?
If you hear critter sounds in your attic, you can often identify the type of pest problem you have, based on the type of sounds it makes. If the noise of the rodent in the attic is at night, it’s probably raccoons, rats, or another nocturnal animal. How about the location of the sound? If…
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